"Common sense leads towards a creator"
Wow! Thanks for validating a point I made on another thread where I said:
Many people believe in a supreme creator god because they use common sense. Common sense is acquired from our personal experiences of how the world works. Obviously our common sense is thus limited by our experiences - lived or learned. Common sense is good for common, every day life. But is it wise to use common sense to explain uncommon, exotic phenomena?
Theists know that complex machinery and human technology come about by human creators. Using common sense they project this principle of creation of the functional and complex unto the natural world. If a house needs a designer, then surely the universe does too, they reason.
But remember what we said about common sense being informed by human experience. We know from human experience that human technology needs a creator and it's possible to see human technology in the process of being made. What experience do we have of universes being made? None.